



上原晴子 染織略歴・受賞歴

1983 第38回新匠工芸会展初入選(京都市美術館・東京都美術館)
1984 日本染織学園研究科卒業
1989 第44回新匠工芸展『会友賞』受賞
1990 第45回新匠工芸展『新匠賞』受賞
1991 第20回日本伝統工芸近畿展初入選…以後毎年入選
1992 第1回匠友会展出品(富本憲吉記念館)…以後’03年まで出品
1993 ’93美術選抜展選出(京都市美術館)
1996 第25回日本伝統工芸近畿展『奨励賞』受賞
1997 ’97京都美術工芸展『優秀賞』受賞(京都文化博物館)
1998 第21回京都工芸美術作家協会展『奨励賞』受賞
2000 染・織二人展(きもの美術館)
    染織と生活社 月刊染織α 10月号に寄稿
2001 第30回日本伝統工芸近畿展『京都府教育委員会教育長賞』受賞
2002 第25回京都工芸美術作家協会展『第25回記念賞』受賞
2005 第28回京都工芸美術作家協会展『京都府知事賞』受賞
2006 第40回日本伝統工芸染織展『文化庁長官賞』受賞
2014 第48回日本伝統工芸染織展『日本経済新社賞』受賞
2015 琳派400年記念「京に生きる琳派の美」展選出
   人間国宝 佐々木苑子先生の絵絣講習受講
2018 第52回日本伝統工芸染織展『文部科学大臣賞』受賞
2021 京都工芸美術作家協会@東京 ー京都が、KOGEIするー展に選抜

現在 日本工芸会正会員  京都工芸美術作家協会会員
京都市東山区本町15丁目801 東福寺霊雲院内

Born in Kyoto, Japan

1983  First accepted for the 38th Exhibition of Society of New Craft Artists.
1984  Graduated from Japan Yuzen and Textile Academy.
1989  Awarded the Support Member Prize at the 44th Exhibition of Society
    of New Craft Artists

1990  Awarded the New Craft Artists Prize at the 45th Exhibition of Society
    of New Craft Artists

   The first solo exhibition at Gallery KAYA in Kumagi MorikazuMuseum
1992  Exhibition of Shoyukai (a group exhibition) at Tomimoto Kenkichi
    Memorial Museum
1993  Selected for the ’93 Selection Exhibition at Kyoto Municipal Museum
    of Art.

1996  Awarded the Encouragement Prize at the 25th Kinki Exhibition of
    Japanese Traditional
Art Crafts
   Awarded the Nikkei Newspaper Company Prize at the 48th KYOTEN
    at Kyoto
Municipal Museum of Art
1997  Awarded the Prize of Excellency at the ’97 Exhibition of Kyoto Arts
    and Crafts in the Museum of Kyoto

1998  Awarded the Encouragement Prize at the 21st Exhibition of the Kyoto
    Artist Makers
2001  Awarded the Prize of Chair of Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education at
    the 30th Kinki Exhibition of Japanese Traditional Art Crafts.     
   Selected for the Exhibition of kimono as “Personal Adornments in
    Three Generations” in the Showa、
Taisho and Heisei Periods at
     Kimono Museum
   Awarded the Prize of Kyoto Arts and Culture Foundation
    Selected for Kyoto Artist Makers Exhibition at the City Art Centre in

2002 Awarded the 25th Memorial Prize at the Exhibition of the Kyoto Artist
    Makers Association.
2005  Awarded the Prize of Kyoto Prefectursl Governor at the 28th
    Exhibition of the Kyoto Artist Makers Association.

2006  Awarded the Prize of Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs,
    Japan, at the 40th
Japan TraditionalTextile Arts Exhibition
   Solo Exhibition at Nigatsudo in Todaiji Temple in Nara. 
2014 Awarded the Nikkei Newspaper Company Prize at the 48th Japan
   TraditionalTextile Arts Exhibition

2015 Selected for Celebrating 400 years of Rimpa (an exhibition of the
    works of 200 Kyoto artists)
    Dedicated a kakuobi (male band for kimono) to Kamigamo Shrine
    in Kyoto
   Participated in Ekasuri training program by Ms. Sonoko SASAKI,
    aliving national treasure (One of training programs for successors
    of Important Intangible Cultural Properties)
   Mended tow possessions of Miho Museum; one, a silk tapestry
    carpet created in Iran during the 16~17th centuries, and the
    other, a caftan made in Soghd, Central Asia, in the 8th century. 
2018 Awarded the Prize of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports,
    Science and Technology at the 52nd Japan Traditional Textile Arts
2021 Selected for the Exhibition of Kyoto Kogei (arts and crafts)
    Association in Tokyo.

Japan Art Crafts Association, The Kyoto Artist Makers Association